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Welcome to my blog for my Media Studies Coursework.

Friday 26 November 2010

Front Cover Image

The image above is the image I took for the front cover of my magazine. Clearly, the background of the image does not look very professional and looks like it has been taken in an office. However, taking all of this into consideration, I decided to edit the image using Adobe Photoshop. This programme allowed me to make it look much more professional and increase the quality of the image. The image below is the edited version of the original.

Edited Image

As you can see, it now looks much more professional and it looks like my model is in a party with lighting. Firstly, I applied the "Zoom" effect on the background of this image using Adobe Photoshop, I then used the "Channel Mixer" tool to get "Neon" type colours to replace the colours from the original image. I made the background blue and black as I felt that it made a nice flow between colours, as you can see, the colour of my models headphones match the colour of the background, resulting in a consistent look and feel to the image.

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